Month: September 2013

  • How to compress images in PowerPoint when it seems like things are getting sluggish.

    If it seems like your PowerPoint files have gotten very heavy & extremely slow to publish, then compressing the images might help. An image can really add up the memory usage fast. There is a function in PowerPoint that can allow you to compress your images. By setting PowerPoint to compress your pictures, you can…

  • To Tweet or Not to Tweet

    To Tweet or Not to Tweet

    As an emerging practitioner in higher education faculty development, I’m encouraged to tweet in order to cultivate my digital presence.  This phrase, digital presence, it sounds so sleek, so haute couture, and so very 21st century.  But why do I need to have a digital presence?  Especially when I’m still working on my…what is the…

  • TEACH – Primetime TV Show Showcases Teachers

    Rarely do you find primetime television spending two hours showcasing the struggles of teachers and providing an indepth view of what it is like (really like) to be an elementary or secondary teacher in today’s classrooms while experiencing meaningful learning in students. On Friday, September 6, CBS aired a 2 hour documentary called “TEACH“….and it…

  • CIEL First Ever Open House October 10!

    On Thursday October 10, the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (CIEL) will have an open house of its facilities, resources, services and personnel from10 a.m. until 4 p.m. We are located on the 5th floor of the library. The Centre is planning a very active open house intended to give the Vancouver Island…