Author: Arwen Wallington

  • Is Gaming Responsible for Student Disengagement

    Is Gaming Responsible for Student Disengagement

    I’m currently reading a book titled ‘Everything Bad is Good for You: How Today’s Popular Culture is Actually Making Us Smarter’ by Steven Berlin Johnson. I would recommend reading this book. It is an amazing and thought inspiring read. But that’s not what this post is about. In part of the book, Steven discusses why…

  • How to Add Email Addresses to Your Hotmails Safe Senders List

    If you are an instructor, the last thing you want is for your students to not receive your emails. Unfortunately, Hotmail recognizes many VIU email addresses as junk and automatically places emails from instructors and student services in the junk folder. Students can prevent emails from their instructor or from VIU services from going to…

  • Desire2Learn Version 10.1 Software Review

    There’s a lot to like about Desire2Learn version 10.1 Here we have it. Six months in to learning Desire2learn version 10.0 and version 10.1 is released. With some pretty significant changes I might add. But I’m ready. Bring it on. Reading their press release and watching their Webcasts I quickly see there are lots of…