Prompted Perfection Challenge

Welcome to the Prompted Perfection GenAI challenge. 

This challenge is part of the CIEL’s GenAI mini-conference that is taking place on Thursday, October 26 2023. Each registrant for the conference is welcome to participate. 

Where do I start? 

Each participant will start with the same prompt: bunnies and stairs

You can then choose any GenAI tool to create an artifact beginning with that initial prompt.  

Check out this padlet if you are looking for tool ideas. 

The goal is to refine and develop the prompt as many times as you wish to co-create an artifact with the GenAI tool of your choice. Potential formats for the final product include, but are not limited to: 

  • Poems 
  • Stories 
  • Visuals 
  • Songs 
  • Essays 

Looking for inspiration? Check out the Prompted Perfection padlet to what the CIEL team has created. 

How much time do I have? 

You will have until 1:00pm on the day of the conference to complete the challenge. You can continue to refine your prompt as much as you like during that time until you are happy with the results. 

How Do I Submit My Creation?

When you are happy with your completed creation, please add it to the Prompted Perfection padlet. You will include 

  • The tool you used. 
  • Your first name or code name 
  • Your creation via upload or link. 
    • If you have created a particularly long piece of text, please consider copying the content into a document to upload rather than copying and pasting it. 
  • The final prompt that you used  

We will showcase and vote on all the submissions during the last session of the conference. 

What do you win? 

The praise and adoration of your fellow conference attendees!