Students in the ornithology course were asked to put together two blog posts for a local bird species of their choice. The first post introduces the species and the second post highlights an area of recent research featuring the bird species. This page provides a portal to the class’ blogs. Enjoy and provide feedback!
Band-tailed Pigeon by Alexandra Lamberton
Barn Owl by Maggie Dietterle
Canada Goose by Stew Pierce
Chestnut-backed Chickadee by Stephanie Wetten
Common Raven by Paris Musto
Gray Jay by William Francis
Marbled Murrelet by Krystal Bachen
Northern saw-whet Owl by Caitlin Smith
Northern Shrike by Raquel Greiter
Northwestern Crow by Dana Gullison
Red-breasted Nuthatch by Michael Lester
Red-tailed Hawk by Eric Friesen
Rufous Hummingbird by Sarah Chalmers
Western Bluebird by Deanna Leung
Western Meadowlark by Sharlene James