Flipping PDFs!

FlipSnack LogoI am always online, both at work and at home.  Admittedly, I spend way too much time online some days, but while there, I research and learn quite a bit in my area of interest – web development and related technologies/tools.

This week I reviewed a free and rather impressive tool called FlipSnack (http://www.flipsnack.com).  This online software converts PDFs into very cool page flipping books.  I tried it and within minutes of creating an account, I was able to upload a rather beefy PDF (35 pages) that was quickly converted to a beautiful online, page flipping book.

This tool then allows you embed your flip book into any html page (websites, blogs, D2L pages, etc).  You can also download or share your book in various other venues including many of the social media sites.

The downside?  This technology is using Flash, which is not supported on many mobile devices.  I still think this tool is worth looking at though – even if you just use it to present materials online to your students in a F2F environment – it’s a cool presentation.

Flipshack ToolsMake sure to checkout the other widgets and tools by FlipSnack – polling, pod casting, banners, photo slideshows and more!

Do you have other tools our team should look at?  We’d love to know!  Write us anytime at learnsupport@viu.ca




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