Photo editing online – free!

collageLast month I facilitated a 1.5 hour workshop on photo editing. Although I use Adobe Photoshop CS6 for my own photo editing, I knew that not all VIU faculty/staff would have Adobe Photoshop available to them. So, after a bit of research and experimentation online, I recommend the following, totally free to use, online photo editing software:

None of the above need to be downloaded to your computer, they are completely accessible online. And for all of them, you don’t even need to create an account – just upload your photos and away you go! The benefit to creating an account would include the ability to store images online, but it’s not necessary if you are already keeping them somewhere locally.

My Favourite Online Photo editing Software?

After reviewing and experimenting with the various online photo editing software, you may be wondering which is my favourite? I would have to say In the workshop, using Pixlr, we used both the Express/EfficientIntermediate level and the Advanced Editor level to size, crop and modify various images in a multitude of ways. A few examples created during the workshop are below (click on the image to see details).


Feel free to write us at, if you would like to know more about photo editing and how to properly size, enhance or fix an image for proper display on the web or in a handout.






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