Reminder: VIUTube is Moving

Since the summer of 2017, VIUTube has been powered by a Kaltura service licensed through BCNET and hosted at UBC. This local shared service is at the end of its life and will no longer be available after September 2022. The end of this service means that we must move our VIUTube service to a new home. 

The Center for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (CIEL) is currently working with VIU Procurement and Contract Services to finalize a contract with a new provider for VIU’s video hosting needs. We will share more details about the new provider as soon as we are able to.

Preparing for This Change

No matter where VIUTube moves to, any videos that you will continue to use in a VULearn course, VIUBlog, or other platform will need to be updated once the new service is implemented to ensure the embedded video or video link continues to work after September 2022. 

If you are an instructor teaching a course over the summer of 2022, you can continue to use the existing VIUTube service, embedded videos, and links throughout the summer term. These existing links and embed codes for videos will continue to work through the summer.

CIEL staff are available to assist instructors by updating videos in VIULearn courses or VIUBlogs sites on your behalf. To request that CIEL update your video links and embed codes, please send a list of the videos that need replacing and their exact location in your VIULearn course or VIUBlogs site to You can use this template to create a list of the videos that need to be replaced

Please note: CIEL staff cannot replace videos located other than on a VIUBlogs or VIULearn site. If you have videos located on another site, you will need to wait until your media is migrated to the new service and then update your link or embed code. CIEL will be able to help you find your new links or embed codes, but we cannot update your site for you.

Have Questions?

CIEL staff are happy to answer questions you may have about this change and how you can prepare for it. You can contact us at   

You may also want to subscribe to our blog. This is where we will post first when we have more details to share about the new VIUTube service. Subscribers will receive an email when a new post is published. You can unsubscribe at any time.


