What’s New in VIULearn this Month? (March-April 2016)

Every month, VIULearn is updated by our software provider D2L. Most of the time you won’t even notice the changes, because they are behind-the-scenes improvements. An example of a behind-the-scenes improvement was an improvement to the Import / Export / Copy Components tool that allowed bigger courses to be copied faster.

Sometimes, there are improvements made to the system that you will notice or that may improve how you can use the system. This month, there are a few small changes I’m excited to tell you about.

Quizzes Event Log Export

The quizzes event log lets you see when a learner entered a quiz, saved a question or page, and when (or if) they submitted it. This can be helpful when trying to understand technical challenges with a quiz, as well as identifying potential academic misconduct. Now, you can export the quiz event log for all students from your quiz into a file Excel will open.

We would love to talk to you more about your quizzes and what the quiz event log is telling you. Please email us at learnsupport@viu.ca with questions or concerns!

Grading Discussions with Rubrics (update)

You might be thinking I just told you the exciting news about grading discussions with a rubric last month. D2L has updated this new look and feel so holistic and analytic rubrics will behave the same way, which will make moving between the two types of rubrics much easier.

Creating Files in Content

Some faculty have noted that when you create a file using “Create a File” in Content, the font looks different in editing view and reading view. D2L is working on this challenge, and now the faculty editing view and the students’ reading view should display fonts the same way.

So, we only have a few small changes this month, but they should make using Quizzes and creating files easier. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please email us at learnsupport@viu.ca, or call 250.740.6179 Monday to Friday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm.

