Category: General
Digital Literacy: Digital Scholarship
From a digital scholarship perspective, a digitally literate person will intentionally and purposefully use digital technologies for learning, including developing effective research, critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, and decision-making skills.
20-Minute Tea Series Resources
In the 20 Minute Tea Online series we shared teaching strategies in just 20 minutes, as a quick way to learn new strategies and leave with inspiration for your classroom. Those who stayed longer joined in discussion to deepen the conversation. The series has wrapped up for the semester, but you can still access the…
Digital Literacy: Communication and Collaboration
A digitally literate person will be able to use online tools to communicate and collaborate with others and make valuable contributions in digital spaces. A digitally literate person will intentionally craft their messages based on how they want them to be interpreted.
Collaborative Learning and Group Work
Group work helps students develop essential skills such as problem-solving, time management, communication, and feedback exchange. While it offers many benefits, some learners may find it uncomfortable. However, preparing learners, building community, selecting groups, and designing effective group work can enhance collaboration and create more positive experiences.
Digital Literacy: Ethical and Legal Considerations
From ethical and legal perspectives, a digitally literate person will understand and abide by principles of privacy protection, inclusion, and accessibility in digital spaces, recognize when these principles are not being upheld, be aware that power inequalities can exist in digital spaces, and contribute to equitable and safer spaces.
Digital Literacy: Information Literacy
From an information literacy perspective, a digitally literate person will use critical thinking skills, which includes understanding how online information is produced, prioritized, and presented. A digitally literate person will also recognize that online information can provide different perspectives and ways of knowing and is aware of biases within online content and technology.
Digital Literacy: Technology Supports
From a technology supports perspective, a digitally literate person will explore new technologies with curiosity, have troubleshooting skills, and intentionally select appropriate tools for different tasks.
Digital Literacy: Tools and Resources for VIU
In 2023 the B.C.’s Post-Secondary Digital Literacy Framework was released. We have been working on a toolkit to help instructors learn more about the framework and how they can implement it in their classrooms.
Applying for teaching awards: perspectives from past winners
Great teaching is at the core of what VIU is all about. Teaching awards are one of the ways that we celebrate great teaching. Whether it’s VIU’s own Provost Awards for Excellence in Teaching Design and Practice, or the provincial West Coast Teaching Excellence Award, or the Canada-wide 3M National Teaching Fellowship, teaching awards are…
Starting off the Semester with a Trauma-informed Syllabus
As you prepare for the new semester, one thing you can do to welcome your students is refresh your syllabus in a trauma-informed way. Trauma-informed practice Trauma-informed practice has its origins in a number of disciplines and social movements including psychology, social work, counselling, child welfare, feminist theory and public health. As Maria Yellow Horse…
Student Orientation to VIULearn & Other Learning Tools – Spring 2025
We offer live webinars to introduce students to the learning technologies available at VIU, especially our online course platform VIULearn. Go to our Events Calendar to view the schedule and register for a live orientation webinar! Otherwise, We recorded the orientation so you can watch it whenever is convenient & as many times as you’d…
GenAI Challenge Part 2: Showcasing Teaching and Learning Artifacts
The CIEL initiated a two-part Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) challenge this Fall. The first part, The Not-So-Scary Gen AI Image Competition, wrapped up last month. Now, for Part 2 of the GenAI Challenge, we invite you to share how you’ve integrated Generative AI into your teaching. Submit a teaching artifact that demonstrates your innovative use of…