Category: Teaching & Learning

  • GenAI Challenge Part 2: Showcasing Teaching and Learning Artifacts

    GenAI Challenge Part 2: Showcasing Teaching and Learning Artifacts

    The CIEL initiated a two-part Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) challenge this Fall. The first part, The Not-So-Scary Gen AI Image Competition, wrapped up last month. Now, for Part 2 of the GenAI Challenge, we invite you to share how you’ve integrated Generative AI into your teaching. Submit a teaching artifact that demonstrates your innovative use of…

  • Prompting Learning Outcomes

    Prompting Learning Outcomes

    In the previous CIEL Generative AI blog, we shared an AI literacy framework based on Bloom’s Taxonomy: (1) Understand AI, (2) Use & Apply AI, (3) Analyze & Evaluate, and (4) Create AI (Ng et al., 2021). As we collectively continue our journey to build AI literacy, this blog explores Level 2: Use & Apply…

  • Building AI Literacy 

    Building AI Literacy 

    Applications of artificial intelligence (AI) are part of our daily lives. From smart home devices to virtual assistants like Google and Siri, AI applications are ubiquitous. As AI-generated content becomes more common in many professions, students will need to be skilled in using it. How can we help students develop critical thinking skills, especially when…

  • Using Teams to Build Connection 

    Using Teams to Build Connection 

    The importance of building connection into teaching and learning is not unique to online learning environments, but it can be more challenging when you are not in the same physical space as your students. To build connection into an online learning environment, there are three types of interaction to consider.  These interactions can be built into…

  • Spring Semester Start Tune-up

    Spring Semester Start Tune-up

    As the season for teaching, grading, and planning next semester’s courses is upon us, we recognize that preparing for the semester ahead can be a challenging task. To support you in this endeavour, we’ve compiled a schedule of effective tips. Dedicating about an hour daily to these activities will help set you up for success…

  • Questions about ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

    Questions about ChatGPT and Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) 

    ChatGPT and generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools are evolving rapidly, fueling ongoing conversations and challenges within our VIU community. Our previous blog posts delved into the capabilities and constraints of AI, proposed strategies for responsible usage, and offered insights into integrating generative AI into course design and assessment. In this blog post, we’ll explore compelling…

  • The Share Drive (Episode 17): nutsamaat uy’skwuluwun. Collette Jones (Instructor, Studies of Women and Gender)

    The Share Drive (Episode 17): nutsamaat uy’skwuluwun. Collette Jones (Instructor, Studies of Women and Gender)

    In this powerful podcast, Collette Jones (Instructor, Studies of Women and Gender) describes her Indigenous approach to teaching and learning during the pandemic.  Collette draws on her experiences– personal, professional, and academic, including research on Coast Salish teaching methods–to highlight the importance of respect, relationship, listening, story-telling, and humour to her teaching and learning.  An…

  • Vancouver Island Team-Based Learning Institute (August 14-16, 2019)

    Vancouver Island Team-Based Learning Institute (August 14-16, 2019)

    **Information for Non-VIU Guest Registrants**  August 14-16, 2019 | Vancouver Island University | Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada    Tine Reimers and Bill Roberson of Vancouver Island University, and Jim Sibley of University of British Columbia will be your facilitators for the Institute. As users of Team-Based Learning (TBL) and authors of numerous TBL publications, they have coached hundreds of post-secondary instructors in the use of…

  • Open Education Resources and New Textbooks: Update from BCcampus

    Open Education Resources and New Textbooks: Update from BCcampus

    The latest from The BCcampus Open Education team, Lauri Aesoph, BSc, Manager, Open Education New textbooks Knowing Home: Braiding Indigenous Science with Western Science – Book 2 This new work (Book 2) joins Book 1, published in 2016. Knowing Home attempts to capture the creative vision of Indigenous scientific knowledge and technology that is derived from an…

  • VIU Students Saved $483,000 in Textbook Costs Since 2015

    VIU Students Saved $483,000 in Textbook Costs Since 2015

    Open Textbooks Remove Some Barriers for Students to Learn Over half of B.C. students do not buy the required textbooks for a course, and over a quarter of potential learners choose not to register for a class due to excessive textbook costs.* Since Fall 2015, 21 Vancouver Island University faculty members have been using open…

  • University Faculty Members Visit Grade 8-12 Classes: Building Connections

    University Faculty Members Visit Grade 8-12 Classes: Building Connections

    In an effort to promote a stronger connection between local high schools and Vancouver Island University, a Grade 8-12 Classroom Visit Initiative was created and piloted in October and November 2018. The idea arose out of conversations with university faculty keen to observe the learning environments from which their students came. The idea was supported…

  • Holding space: How VIU students are shaping the dialogue around Indigenous perspectives

    Holding space: How VIU students are shaping the dialogue around Indigenous perspectives

    by Kathleen Bortolin I step off the elevator onto the fifth floor of the library, hot coffee and security fob in hand. It’s June and quiet on campus, students and faculty retreating to other pursuits now that classes have ended. I don’t expect to see anyone on the fifth floor, especially students, so I’m surprised…