In this short video Gina Easton, Instructor for the Hairstylist Foundation Program, Cowichan Campus, shares a Case Study approach she used this week to engage her student while using Zoom Breakout Rooms. She also speaks to how she overcame the challenges that Zoom presented during this session.
Developing Instructional Videos as an Alternative Delivery Model
Sandra Moreside’s students were in week 3 of the 43 week Hairstylist foundation program when all programs at VIU came to a sudden halt.
Sandra was quick to look at alternate delivery modes as you can see with this excellent educational tutorial that she created using i-phone technology. The video was then uploaded to VIUTube where it can easily be transferred to VIULearn.

Students in the both levels of the Hairstylist program have been given product kits to use at home. They also have their own professional tool kits and several mannequins. As you see here this student was quick to set up shop to continue practicing her technical skills while away from the campus.
Many people ask: How can students demonstrate their learning in the virtual classroom?
As you can see here, this student has taken photos of the required criteria for this particular haircut and uploaded them on the VIULearn where they will be reviewed by the instructor.
Students also upload videos and create portfolios of photos using other online tools such as Adobe Spark and Google Docs. Please note, these tools are not FIPPA compliant, and so we must follow the procedures shown in the FIPPA post.
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