Health, Wellness, Socialization, and Celebration
These are the themes that capture the focus of the TAT Faculty Retreat day held at the Nanaimo Campus on May Friday 13th, 2022.
This is the first time since March 2020 that all faculty and staff from the TAT Faculty have been invited to come together in-person to take a moment to focus on health & wellness, learn a few things, have some fun, enjoy good food, and most of all enjoy good company.
The day was buzzing from the moment it began. We saw many smiling faces! Many hugs and happy reunions! And many ‘meetings for the first time’. It was a day to remember.

Starting the Day Right with a Wellness Check
A huge thanks goes to Dan VanderSluis, Associate Vice President, Human Resources, for opening the day up with a review of VIU’s People, Place, Potential strategic plan, and focusing in on Employee Wellbeing
Dan then led the faculty through a wellness check practice using the 6 Dimensions of Wellness Model. The timing was perfect. Let’s face it, after 2 long years of COVID disruptions and upheavals we are all ready to check-in with ourselves and with each other.
If you are interested in learning more about the 6 Dimensions of Wellness, you can access Dan’s slides here. If you have questions, please reach out to VIU Human Resources.
Now it’s time to ‘Move It, Move It!
Physical Wellness is just one dimension of wellness, but it is often one that is difficult to fit into our daily teaching lives. With this in mind, the committee found 6 physical activities available on campus pretty much everyday of the year!
So let’s take a look at what the TAT Faculty got up to during some of these activities:
Pickleball, Badminton, Spin Class, Yoga, Wim Hof Breathing, & Indigenous Plant Walk
Now for the big questions: How to Embed Wellness into your day, and into your students’ experience at VIU?
A big thanks goes out to Jessica Gemella who designed and facilitated the World Cafe Session where faculty worked together and shared ideas on how to integrate wellness into each day.
Don’t forget to check out these links to other great resources on health and wellness

No day is complete without good food and good company
A huge thanks goes to Chef Buddy Wolfe, Chef Daniel Ross, and the team of fabulous Culinary Arts Students that spoiled us with delicious food and desserts. Thank you all so much!

Let’s not forget the folks that made this day possible!
Thanks to the fabulous, innovative, and super fun Retreat Planning Committee of 2022!
Christine Godlonton, Culinary Arts Instructor; Kathryn Oldham, Assistant to the Dean; Kevin Levins, HEO Instructor; Rita Gower, Culinary Arts Chair; Joanne Slocum, Hairstylist Chair; Jessica Gemella, Horticulture Chair; Dean Cadieux, Automotive Chair; and Sally Vinden, Assc Dean (Acting).
Spinning Fit at VIU
Are interested in trying out Spin Class with the the fit and fabulous Andrew Desrochers?

Everyone loved the Chair Yoga!
Are you ready to add some stretch and relaxation into your busy day?
The fabulous and flexible Megan Bailey will lead you through the poses. Just organize a time, a place, and a few of your colleagues and Megan will be happy to lead you through the moves.

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