Class 6 – Thursday, July 11, 2024

Word Skills

Word Activities

Activity 1: Format a Composition

Download the document below and complete the instructions in the document.

Activity 2: Format an Article

Scenario: Your boss asks you to format a document to share with the rest of the staff. For document below, please:

  1. Change the font of the entire document to 12-point Times New Roman
  2. Apply Style 1 to the title
  3. Modify Style 1 so that it is bold and centred
  4. Using the capitalization feature under the “Home” tab, “Fonts”, Capitalize Each Word in the main title
  5. Make the author’s name and the date of publication on the same line, shrink the font to 10-point, and italicize both the name and the date
  6. Identify and apply Style 2 to subheadings
  7. Modify the Style 2 so the font is bold and black
  8. Set a tab stop to place the subheadings at 2″
  9. Find an appropriate picture online and insert it before the title
  10. Centre the picture
  11. Remove the paragraph spacing
  12. Indent the first line of every paragraph
  13. Add a header with the last name of the author at the right hand margin
  14. Add a page number in the centre of the footer
  15. Add your initials to the footer on the right
  16. Use the “Find & Replace” feature to make the term “EQ” bold and italics
  17. You notice that 2 of the subheadings have words that are not capitalized – using “Track Changes” modify them so that they are capitalized

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