Category Archives: Week 4

Class 9 – Thursday, August 1, 2024

Objectives: To practice using Mail Merge in Word and develop an understanding of how to use the basic features of Excel. OCFP – Mail Merge Practice Activity.docx OCFP – Excel Lessons.docx OCFP – GCF Global – Excel Activities.docx Practice Typing

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Class 8 – Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Collaborating on a Microsoft Document – A good introduction to OneDrive. – Everything you want to know about Microsoft OneDrive and SharePoint and a lot more. Mail Merges For information on using GroupWise for mail merges in Word … Continue reading

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Class 7 – Tuesday, July 30

Practicum Week Work Review We’ll start today by reviewing the work that you completed during the practicum week. I understand that with my absence due to illness things were a bit confused and for that, I apologize. Objective: Collaborating on … Continue reading

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