School Experiences During COVID-19 ASSENT FORM

Marla Morden, Principle Investigator

Instructions for parents: Parents, please go over this form with your child(ren). If they are old enough, you could have them sign this form themselves. If not, could you please check for their verbal assent tha

Instructions for caregivers: Caregivers, please go over this form with your child(ren). If they are old enough, you could have them sign this form themselves. If not, could you please check for their verbal assent that they would like to participate? It is OK if they don’t want to participate.

Please note ** As this is a longitudinal study, children may eventually come to prefer to sign the consent form on their own behalf (for example, children in grades 7-8 and above). Please note that children have the option of signing the assent or the consent form – please let the researcher know what you prefer.


I teach psychology at Vancouver Island University (VIU). I wonder if you would like to participate in my research about school systems? I’ll ask things like, how are you liking school so far this year? How’s it going with your teacher? How’s it going with friends?

Your participation is voluntary:

You are being asked to participate, but you don’t have to. If you don’t want to participate, that’s OK!

What’s the study all about?

COVID-19 is a special event that has changed lots of aspects of daily life. One thing that has changed for lots of families – and children – is school. For kids who are going to school, there are new rules. For kids who might shift to home-schooling, that’s a whole new experience. I’d like to find out what kids and parents think, and also how they feel, about that.

What do you have to do?

If you want to be in the study you’ll be asked to answer a few questions about school at the start of school, around the middle, and at the end of the year. There are no right or wrong answers – we’re simply interested in what you’d like to share.

We want to see how things change over time, so if it’s OK with you we’ll ask you these same questions for 5 years (but we will only do two times, fall and early summer) for the following years).

Will the study help ?

No, this study will not help you directly. We hope that it will help us to understand the experiences of kids and their families going to school during COVID-19.

Use of research information:

Your teachers and school won’t know how you answer. Your parents/caregivers will know what you say. Your name will not be used in the results.

Do you have to be in the study?

You do not have to be in the study. No one will be upset or disappointed if you don’t want to do this. If you don’t want to be in this study, just say so. Also know that even if you say yes now, you can change your mind later. It’s up to you.


I want to be in this study.

yes no

I agree to be audio-recorded if I choose the telephone interview

yes no

Participant Name and age:___________________________________________________

Participant Signature:______________________________________________________________ 

I, Marla Morden , promise to adhere to the procedures described in this consent form. 

Principal Investigator Signature __________________________

Date _______________ 

If you have any concerns about your treatment as a research participant in this study, please contact the Vancouver Island University Research Ethics Board at or (250) 740-6631.