My project was a response to residential schools and Roy Jake Denny’s story found here: . As the project began I found myself caught up in wanting to produce something great, or do something big. I struggled with the transition from a written to oral way of passing knowledge. I wished I was more creative; And after a few false starts and much frustration I came to the realization that each person, myself included, must start by finding actions no matter how small to take where we are or risk becoming paralyzed looking for ‘something big’ or trying to be what we are not. The pictures and media in the project were intentionally left simple to reflect this journey and remain authentic to my learnings.

The photos were taken at SṈIDȻEȽ (Tod Inlet) and Wmiyeten (Mackenzie Bight), important traditional sites of deer hunting and medicine gathering. While taking photos the presence of invasive species contrasted with the stillness and beauty of nature found on the cement factory and traditional village sites serving as visual reminders for me of the inescapabilty of colonization. I was also taken back by the lack of willingness to acknowledging indigenous history at Wmiyeten/ Mackenzie Bight with signage choosing to outline the role of the Hudson Bay Company and colonization instead.

I then learned through his obituary that Jake Denny had died in November and was left unsure whether I should select a different survivor. After much thought, I decided to continue to address my project to him. His story and humility had spoken to me in many ways and I wanted to demonstrate that his story, and those of other survivors continues to impact people long after their death and is not simply history.  It is my hope that in some small way my project can honor his story and life.

The music selected, a clip from The Stranger by Gord Downie, was chosen to serve as both a musical tribute to the broken relationships resulting from residential schools and Jake Denny’s love for music and guitar.


Website used for reference while making this project:

Land Names from Salt Water People as told by Dave Elliot Sr:

Gord Downie’s Stranger:

Next 150:

Ryan McMahon: