Competency Development by VIU MBA Competencies and Course Outcomes
MBA Outcomes
• Critical Thinking
Thought outside of the box to give great ideas to solve many issues of team projects, developing them to reach high results.
• Global Community Citizen
Connected and collaborated effectively with international classmates and colleagues who come from many different countries, contributing to the success of the organizations.
• Growth Mindset
Updated and learned new and good knowledge and skills continuously even in hard situations, constantly developing to be the best version of myself to be greatly valuable to society.
• Digital Literacy
Accomplished technology classes at VIU combined with solid knowledge of digital technology and experiences using technological devices at work, school, and home, creating many excellent digital technology projects for operating and developing businesses during the MBA program.
Course Competencies
• Accounting
Had a strong knowledge foundation of accounting for operating a business, knowing what are issues of an accounting report to give suitable solutions to solve them.
• Economics
Confidently had a solid knowledge of the economic environment domestically and globally, being able to analyze economic conditions for a company and reasons leading to their problems and then give recommendations to address and develop them.
• Finance
Understood deeply how to manage the finance sources of a business effectively, offering suitable and effective methods for finance sources to operate a business.
• Management
Acknowledged the important role of human resources management, international human resources management in running an organization as well as projects management, giving great strategies to manage the human resources and projects of a company well to obtain great results.
• Marketing
Understood how to build and develop a good marketing project for a business, creating successful marketing projects for different companies during the MBA program.
Artifacts of the MBA Program
Reference Letter from Former Professor at UEH
The letter of reference below was written by my former professor whose name is Tran Le at the University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City and sent to VIU in 2020. He is a professor in the tourism department who instructed my graduation thesis in 2018.
Artifacts of Former Education
When I was in university, I completed a lot of group work with great results; one of them is the presentation of a travel brochure of a tourist destination. My team and I researched and created an engaging travel brochure for Phu Quoc, Vietnam’s largest island. Then, we effectively presented it in class and got great compliments from our professor.