by Eric Demers
May 8, was birdathon day with Karen Barry and Danielle Lacasse, where the goal was to see or hear as many bird species as possible in 1 day to raise funds through the Great Canadian Birdathon. Funds raised will help support our bird monitoring projects.
I got an early start at 04:50 and walked out to the car to a chorus of American Robin and Spotted Towhee. My first stop was Legacy Marsh in Lantzville. I got there early hoping to hear at least one owl species, but the constant trills of many Orange-crowned Warblers from the red alders was my welcome. A Red-breasted Sapsucker was also drumming its morse-code call from a telephone poll. This first stop yielded 40 species, plus finally a rather timid call of a Barred Owl. I then met Karen and Danielle at Woodgrove Mall at 06:30, and we headed out to Qualicum Beach.

Together, we hit 10 different birding hotspots. Some highlights included a lump on the ground that turned out to be a Merlin at the Happy Cow Farm, a pair of Blue-winged Teal at Morningstar ponds, great photo views of Western Tanager for Danielle at Little Qualicum Cheeseworks (and we bought some cheese curds too), and an American Kestrel right where we hoped perched on its favorite wire at Coldwater Road. Unfortunately, we dipped on the Dipper at the Little Qualicum Hatchery.
After Danielle left for her afternoon kayaking adventure, Karen and I hit both sides of the Englishman River estuary. We were glad to see a few shorebirds were still around, including two Long-billed Dowitchers, a Dunlin hanging around with 12 Western Sandpiper, and a lone Semipalmated Plover. The ocean side was quieter since most waterbirds have gone north or inland to breed, but there were still some Pacific Loon and Red-necked Grebe. While scoping a Canada Goose to read the code on its neck collar, an American Pipit just happened to walk into view.
We then returned to Nanaimo, and I continued solo to Pipers Lagoon Park. The first bird in the binoculars was a Whimbrel feeding on the mudflat, which was an unexpected bonus. Next was a stop at the Nanaimo River Estuary where the highlight was a pair of California Quail that crossed the road (not what birders go there for!). At that point, I was feeling ready for a nap, but I pressed on to Quennell Lake. Sure glad I did! The pot farm yielded several dabbling ducks that had been missed elsewhere (Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Green-winged Teal, Gadwall, bonus Cinnamon Teal), plus Greater Yellowlegs and Least Sandpiper, and loads of swallows. Just as I was packing up, an Osprey arrived and perched in a distant tree.

After a dinner break at home (while still birding to pick up Hooded Merganser and Pied-billed Grebe on Cathers Lake), I went for a loop around Buttertubs Marsh. I watched a Virginia Rail stand on the side of the trail wondering if it should cross, then it quickly dashed over to the other side. I figured that I should end the day with stop at Buttertubs West Marsh. Although I didn’t observe any new species, I heard that same timid Barred Owl call from my early morning start, but this time the bird just happened to be staring at me from above the access road. A fitting bookend to a great day of birding!
Our birdathon total was 107 species, which isn’t too bad for a first time. The complete list is included below. Please donate on our birdathon page to support our bird monitoring projects.
Highlights: bonus species, good views of Western Tanager, a cooperating American Kestrel (it caught a mouse), nice birding companions, good weather.
Some misses: American Dipper, Downy & Hairy Woodpecker, Golden-crowned Kinglet, Belted Kingfisher, Cedar Waxwing, Red Crossbill
Regrets: Not taking more photos/videos, but thanks to Danielle for sharing some awesome pics.
Species | Location First Seen |
Canada Goose | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Wood Duck | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Blue-winged Teal | Parksville–Morningstar Golf Course ponds |
Cinnamon Teal | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Northern Shoveler | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Gadwall | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
American Wigeon | French Creek mouth |
Mallard | Nanaimo – Woodgrove Mall |
Northern Pintail | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Green-winged Teal | Nanaimo River Estuary |
Ring-necked Duck | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Harlequin Duck | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Bufflehead | Parksville–Morningstar Golf Course ponds |
Hooded Merganser | Nanaimo – Cathers Lake |
Common Merganser | Little Qualicum fish hatchery |
Red-breasted Merganser | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
California Quail | Nanaimo River Estuary |
Pied-billed Grebe | Nanaimo – Cathers Lake |
Red-necked Grebe | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Rock Pigeon | Nanaimo – Woodgrove Mall |
Band-tailed Pigeon | French Creek mouth |
Eurasian Collared-Dove | Hamilton Marsh, Coombs |
Vaux’s Swift | Parksville–Morningstar Golf Course ponds |
Anna’s Hummingbird | Hamilton Marsh, Coombs |
Rufous Hummingbird | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Virginia Rail | Buttertubs Marsh |
Black Oystercatcher | Pipers Lagoon |
Semipalmated Plover | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Killdeer | Hilliers Road Farm |
Whimbrel | Pipers Lagoon |
Dunlin | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Least Sandpiper | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Western Sandpiper | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Long-billed Dowitcher | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Greater Yellowlegs | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Pigeon Guillemot | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Marbled Murrelet | Qualicum Beach–Viewing Platform |
Mew Gull | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
California Gull | Little Qualicum estuary |
Glaucous-winged Gull | Nanaimo – Woodgrove Mall |
Pacific Loon | Little Qualicum estuary |
Common Loon | Little Qualicum estuary |
Pelagic Cormorant | Pipers Lagoon |
Double-crested Cormorant | Pipers Lagoon |
Great Blue Heron | Qualicum Beach–Viewing Platform |
Turkey Vulture | Little Qualicum fish hatchery |
Osprey | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
Cooper’s Hawk | Parksville–Coldwater Road |
Bald Eagle | Hilliers Road Farm |
Red-tailed Hawk | Parksville–Coldwater Road |
Barred Owl | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Red-breasted Sapsucker | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Pileated Woodpecker | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Northern Flicker | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
American Kestrel | Parksville–Coldwater Road |
Merlin | Hilliers Road Farm |
Hammond’s Flycatcher | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Pacific-slope Flycatcher | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
Hutton’s Vireo | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Cassin’s Vireo | Hamilton Marsh, Coombs |
Warbling Vireo | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Northwestern Crow | Nanaimo – Woodgrove Mall |
Common Raven | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Chestnut-backed Chickadee | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Northern Rough-winged Swallow | Parksville–Morningstar Golf Course ponds |
Purple Martin | French Creek mouth |
Tree Swallow | Hilliers Road Farm |
Violet-green Swallow | Little Qualicum fish hatchery |
Barn Swallow | Hilliers Road Farm |
Cliff Swallow | Hilliers Road Farm |
Bushtit | Englishman River Estuary–Shelly St side |
Red-breasted Nuthatch | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Brown Creeper | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Pacific Wren | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Marsh Wren | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Bewick’s Wren | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
European Starling | Hilliers Road Farm |
Varied Thrush | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Swainson’s Thrush | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
American Robin | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
House Sparrow | Cedar–Quennell Lake |
American Pipit | Englishman River Estuary–Plummer Rd side |
House Finch | Little Qualicum estuary |
Purple Finch | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Pine Siskin | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
American Goldfinch | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Chipping Sparrow | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Dark-eyed Junco | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
White-crowned Sparrow | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Golden-crowned Sparrow | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Savannah Sparrow | Hilliers Road Farm |
Song Sparrow | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Lincoln’s Sparrow | Parksville–Morningstar Golf Course ponds |
Spotted Towhee | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Red-winged Blackbird | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Brown-headed Cowbird | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Brewer’s Blackbird | Hilliers Road Farm |
Orange-crowned Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
MacGillivray’s Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Common Yellowthroat | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Yellow Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Yellow-rumped Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Black-throated Gray Warbler | Englishman River Estuary–Shelly St side |
Townsend’s Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Wilson’s Warbler | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Western Tanager | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |
Black-headed Grosbeak | Legacy Marsh, Lantzville |