
This blog is intended to be for educational purposes. It is a spot that teachers and students can visit to learn more about a major moment in Canadian history. The Winnipeg General Strike is an infamous event in Canada’s past, however, women’s actions during the strike have not been discussed enough. Books, articles, podcasts, stories, and other teachings on the strike tend to have a male focus, and sometimes neglect the importance of women. Women, in fact, played an important role throughout the strike, as they started and participated in the strike, opened a food kitchen, organized politically through the Women’s Labour League, and worked crucial scab jobs among other things. Hopefully, my blog can inform a few Social Studies teachers on some unlearned aspects of the Winnipeg General Strike, and they can implement it into their teaching. This will result in students having a better understanding of women’s role in society and the labour force in Canada in the early 20th century.