W. Brook Pearce MA

Professional Teaching and Learning Portfolio

Teaching and Learning


“To inspire learners in their becoming.”

  • Learning is a process
  • Learning involves the iterative transformation, in knowledge, beliefs, behaviours and attitudes
  • Learning is in response to or interpretation of experiences

“In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”  Max DePree, Leadership is an Art.

Learning Principles

Learner’s prior knowledge can help or hinder learning

  •  What do learners already know?

How knowledge is organized influences how they learn and apply knowledg

  • How do learners organize and make meaningful connections with and to the knowledge?

Motivation determines, directs and sustains learning

  • What motivates and engages learners in their learning?

Learners acquire component skills but they must also practice integrating them and know when to apply what they have learned

  •  Do learners have opportunity to practice integrating their learning?

Learner performance is enhanced by goal-directed practice with targeted feedback

  • Do learners have clear outcomes to work towards and do they receive targeted feedback?

Learners thrive in a positive environment that that supports intellectual, emotional, social and physical domains

  • Does learning occur in a positive environment that nurtures intellectual, emotional, physical and social needs?

Learners improve their performance when they can monitor and adjust their own learning process

  • Are learners given the opportunity to self-assess learning with the goal of greater self direction?

Adapted from Carnegie Mellon University Principles of Learning.  Retrieved March 1, 2017 from http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/principles/learning.html


Teaching Principles

Knowing learners informs practice

  • What will you do to intentionally get to know your learners?

Aligning learning outcomes, assessments and activities

  • How will you align your learning outcomes, with activities and assessments?

Articulating expectations about learning outcomes and policies

  •  How will you clearly articulate learning outcomes and policies?

Prioritizing the knowledge and skills to cover

  • How will you prioritize the knowledge and skills at an appropriate level for learners?

Recognizing and overcoming blindspots

  •  How will you recognize your professional blindspots and what steps will you take to overcome them?

Adopting appropriate teaching roles to support learning outcomes

  • How will you adopt various teaching roles as appropriate to support the learning outcomes?

Refining content through continuous reflection and feedback

  •  How will you receive and reflect on feedback with the intention of improving?

Adapted from Carnegie Mellon University Principles of Teaching.  Retrieved March 1, 2017 from http://www.cmu.edu/teaching/principles/teaching.html





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