Welcome to BSc Degree Advising

BSc Degree Advising provides advising services to Faculty of Science and Technology students. We are happy to meet with you to:

  • Declare or change your goals (e.g., Honours, Major, Major-Minor, Double-Major or Double-Minor).
  • Help you learn how to use the Goal Planning System (GPS) to monitor your degree progress.
  • Help you choose your courses.
  • Discuss how your transfer credits apply to your degree.
  • Help you learn how credits earned in an international exchange can apply to your degree.
  • Provide detailed program information.
  • Provide graduation information.
  • Refer you to other resources at VIU.

BSc Degree Advisors

Eric Demers
Email: Eric.Demers@viu.ca
Phone: (250) 753-3245 x2033
Location: Bldg 459, Room 207

Joslynn Affleck
Email: Joslynn.Affleck@viu.ca
Phone: (250) 753-3245 x2734
Location: Bldg 470, Room 112

Major in Computing Science
Luis Meneses
Email: Luis.Meneses@viu.ca
Phone: (250) 753-3245 x2363
Location: Bldg 315, Room 210A

Useful Links

Declaring your educational goals

Program grids that lists the courses required
for various BSc degrees

Using the Goal Planning System (GPS)