Digital Literacy: Digital Scholarship

This post is part of an eight-part series introducing the The B.C. Post-Secondary Digital Literacy Framework. Each post will provide ideas and resources for implementing one of the eight thematic digital competencies outlined in the framework. You can read more about the framework on the Digital Literacy: Tools and Resources for VIU blog post. We are happy to be working in collaboration with VIU Libraries on this blog post series.

What does Digital Scholarship mean?

From a digital scholarship perspective, a digitally literate person will intentionally and purposefully use digital technologies for learning, including developing effective research, critical thinking, problem solving, analysis, and decision-making skills.24, 25, 26, 27

The B.C. Post-Secondary Digital Literacy Framework (p.9)

How can I implement this?

Engage with a digital community in your discipline. This will allow you to learn about what others are doing and explore new ways of interacting online.

Find out how digital tools are being used in the professional fields for your discipline. What tools will students be using once they leave your program? How can we best prepare them for the transition from university to profession? Connect with a digital learning community, do a search online or search a journal database to see what the current and upcoming digital trends are.

Be clear about how students can or cannot use AI for their assignments. This will vary across courses and assignments, so clarity is particularly importance. Consider using a GenAI Assessment scale with your assignment instructions to keep this use front of mind.

Join or request one of our Teaching Online learning opportunities. These include the Faculty Orientation to Online Learning (FOOT), Shifting Your Teaching Online and The Online Learning Institute (OLI). We can work with individuals or departments to deliver these workshops. Learning outcomes from these offerings that are related to digital scholarship include: 

  • Choose the right digital tools for teaching and learning.
  • Create accessible, inclusive and supportive online learning environments.
  • Build digital learning opportunities for learners through collaboration with peers.

If you are interested in any of these opportunities, please email

Share information about student supports with your students in class and in your VIULearn course shell.

Attend a session or event with the CIEL. You can learn more and register on our Events page.

This page is part of a Digital Literacy Toolkit designed for faculty at VIU. All content in this toolkit is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC-BY).



