Category: General

  • Simulation Snippets Part V

    Simulation Snippets Part V

    By Barbara Metcalf, Teaching Faculty Member, Bachelor of Nursing Program, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, VIU For all blog posts on this topic see Simulation Snippets Part 1; Part II, Part III and Part IV This has been another red letter couple of weeks for the healthcare simulation suites in building 180. Last week marked my…

  • Council on Learning and Teaching Excellence: Q+A for VIU Faculty

    What is the Council about? What is the time commitment? The new Council on Learning and Teaching Excellence is an initiative for VIU to more fully engage faculty to have greater input into activities, direction and initiatives around teaching and learning. The Council will be composed of teaching faculty members representing all Faculties and campuses…

  • Reflections on the Educational Developers Caucus 2014

    Reflections on the Educational Developers Caucus 2014

    I recently attended the Educational Developers Caucus (EDC) hosted at the University of Calgary.  The theme of this year’s conference was ‘Conceptions of the profession: How institutional directions shape our practice’ (program available here).  The EDC is organized by the Society for Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (STLHE) and brings together a community of…

  • Calibrated Peer Review Part III

        By Barbara Metcalf, Teaching Faculty Member, Bachelor of Nursing Program, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, VIU For all blog posts on this topic see Calibrated Peer Review Part I, Part II, Part IV and Part V     I thought I would start this posting by describing the Calibrated Peer Review (CPR)…

  • Appreciative Inquiry, Advocacy, and a bit of Green Day: Reflections of EDC 2014

    Appreciative Inquiry, Advocacy, and a bit of Green Day: Reflections of EDC 2014

    I recently attended the annual Educational Developers Caucus conference in Calgary, co-hosted by the University of Calgary and Bow Valley College.  For me, being back at the UofC was a nostalgic experience, even though I had to admit much has changed on campus over the last 20 years.  I still managed to find some oxidizing…

  • Educational Developers: Change Agent, Maven or Broker?

    Educational Developers: Change Agent, Maven or Broker?

    by Liesel Knaack, Director, Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, VIU Many times people ask me, “What do you do”? I often say, “I help faculty be successful in the classroom with their teaching and to assist with student learning.” After I describe my job a bit more, I soon realize I do much…

  • Creating a Good How-To Video

    Creating a Good How-To Video

    by Melissa Robertson, Learning Technologies Support Specialist, Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, VIU The past few weeks at work I have been working on making videos and it hasn’t been an easy road. I have learned many things about basic video production, as well as some things about myself. Through the past few…

  • Life Map

    Life Map

    By Sherryl Maglione (Miss Magz), Cowichan Campus, ABE English Instructor, Vancouver Island University A meaningful way to understand one’s life and commemorate one’s progress through events and situations is to reflect on important memories, think about the people who are important to us, and gather images together that are critical to understanding our personal history.…

  • Simulation Snippets Part III

    Simulation Snippets Part III

    By Barbara Metcalf, Teaching Faculty Member, Bachelor of Nursing Program, Faculty of Health and Human Sciences, VIU For all blog posts on this topic see Simulation Snippets Part 1; Part 2; Part 4 and Part 5 This has been a red-letter week in the simulation suites. This week, I debuted the two most comprehensive simulations I have…

  • Creating Lab Video Demonstrations and Tutorials

    Creating Lab Video Demonstrations and Tutorials

    by Jessie Key, Faculty, Chemistry Department, Faculty of Science and Technology, Vancouver Island University I have been making video demonstrations and tutorials to augment the learning experience in both the lecture and lab for the courses that I teach. I have put most of my effort into the laboratory portion of the courses CHEM 140…

  • Honoring Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women in the Classroom

    Honoring Murdered and Missing Aboriginal Women in the Classroom

    By Sherryl Maglione (Miss Magz), Cowichan Campus, ABE English Instructor, Vancouver Island University February 2014 Conversation Teacher:    So, where do you ladies live? Students:    North of town about twenty minutes. Teacher:    Hey, me, too!  Do you have a vehicle to get to school? Students:    No, we take the bus, or hitch. Teacher:    Hitch? Students:    [looking…

  • Modifying Assessment Techniques to Meet the Needs of Students

    By Dayna Johnson, Student Teacher, Year 5 Bachelor of Education, Faculty of Education, VIU (written as part of a Principles of Teaching and Learning Course) To experience an event on its own can be a valuable educational experience, but sometimes we can gain the deepest insight when we look at the same event in two…