This week I had the pleasure of chatting with Barb McQueen, HVAC Instructor, and Matthew Beck, HVAC Chair/Instructor. I learned that the RACM (Refrigeration Air Conditioning Mechanic) Program at VIU is all about equipment designed to keep things cool or warm, humid or dry, and circulation of clean air. I also learned that it can be challenging for students to grasp the complexity of such systems without the opportunity to see them in action.

Over the past couple of years Instructors Barb and Matt have taken students on a field trip to VIU’s Deep Bay Marine Field Station. This facility is a Platinum LEED building completed about 10 years ago, and the mechanical systems in this building are quite unique.
Barb tells me ” this experience is essential to student learning, but with COVID-19 restrictions in place this was not an option.”
Get ready for the Virtual Magical Mystery Tour
“We couldn’t tour this building face-to-face this time around, and so Carl Butterworth, Manager, Deep Bay Marine Field Station, arranged a virtual tour for the students. As you’ll see, it turned out quite well!
We currently have two classes running; one started this week, and the other is due to graduate next week. Both classes joined in on the Zoom tour, along with Deon Lane, HVAC Instructor.
“No need to book a bus or a driver, and 25 people can fit in a mechanical room with no concern for social distancing!“
Carl showed us the saltwater loop that feeds both the shellfish research facility and the heat exchangers. These are the mechanical systems for heating and cooling the building. With infloor radiant heating and cooling along with the air circulation, the building keeps a comfortable temperature year round. We discussed the importance of collaboration between tradesmen, architects and engineers, and related this to some of the changes that had to be made to the building systems over the years.
This tour was exciting for the new class, as it shows how different and varied their trade is, and it’s a good example for the class of a practical application of the theory they just finished learning in the classroom.
Big thanks goes to Carl who is super knowledgeable of the mechanical systems, which our classes found very engaging.”
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