In this section, you can find a number of my recent German articles from, written between October and December of 2022. In its current form, has been bringing German audiences up to date about movies, series, streaming services and related topics since 2015. Just click on an article and I will inform you about the latest news in all things digital entertainment!
All by Moritz Döring
“Harry Potter”-Serie wird immer wahrscheinlicher – Es gibt aber noch mehr Pläne
Translation — “Harry Potter” series is getting more likely – But there are even more plans
“The Boys” Staffel 4: Drei neue Stars dabei und einer kommt direkt aus Hollywood
Translation — “The Boys” Season 4: Three new stars added and one comes directly out of Hollywood
“The Mandalorian” Staffel 3 Starttermin im Stream auf Disney Plus
Translation — “The Mandalorian” Season 3 streaming release date on Disney Plus
“Avatar 2” Kritik: Regie-Legende hat den Film gesehen und das ist sein Urteil
Translation — “Avatar 2” review: Director legend has seen the film and this is his verdict
Quentin Tarantino dreht geheimes Serien-Projekt
Translation — Quentin Tarantino creates secret series
“The Witcher”-Aus: Netflix wollte wohl Bedingungen von Henry Cavill nicht berücksichtigen
Translation — Dropped from “The Witcher”: Netflix apparently didn’t want to honor Henry Cavill’s terms
Gerücht: “Cobra Kai” Staffel 6 beendet die Serie vielleicht
Translation — Rumor: “Cobra Kai” season 6 might finish up the series
“Stranger Things” Staffel 5: Grosse Änderung der Geschichte geplant
Translation — “Stranger Things” season 5: Major change to plot planned
Neuer “Godzilla”-Film hat einen Kinostart
Translation — New “Godzilla” movie has a theatrical release date
“Harry Potter”-Fans pilgern zu Dobbys Grab und müllen den Strand zu
Translation — “Harry Potter” fans make pilgrimage to Dobby’s grave and litter the beach
“The Sandman” Staffel 2: Fans können aufhören die Daumen zu drücken
Translation — “The Sandman” Season 2: Fans can stop crossing their fingers
“Superman” soll in kommenden DC-Filmen fröhlicher werden
Translation — “Superman” supposed to become cheerier in upcoming DC movies
“Avatar 2”-Star musste am Set sieben Minuten die Luft anhalten
Translation — “Avatar 2” star had to hold breath for seven minutes on set
“The Nun 2” Kinostart in weniger als einem Jahr
Translation — “The Nun 2” theatrical release date in less than a year
“Der Bachelor” wird zum blutigen Horrorfilm
Translation — “The Bachelor” turned into a bloody horror movie
“Dune 2” kommt dank Marvel früher ins Kino
Translation — “Dune 2” to arrive earlier in cinemas thanks to Marvel
Wolverine in “Deadpool 3”: Stars spoilern im Video
Translation — Wolverine in “Deadpool 3”: Stars reveal spoilers in video
Keanu Reeves will besonderes Projekt für Netflix drehen
Translation — Keanu Reeves wants to shoot special project for Netflix
“Iron Man”-Kollege bekommt eigenen MCU-Kinofilm
Translation — “Iron Man” colleague gets his own MCU movie
Netflix: Account-Sharing wird tatsächlich teurer
Translation — Netflix: Account sharing will indeed become more expensive