Every single life on Turtle Island matters. Traditional cultural teachings have always included women. The spirit of a woman represents power and beauty. Through colonial practices the lives of Indigenous women have been disregarded. To bring the respect back to our women we must remember our cultural teachings.

The base of the tipi is reminiscent of women because they both represent foundation and balance. Women are responsible for balancing and grounding their communities and families. The protector of land and water is Thunderbird Woman, she also possesses strength and beauty. Similar to every Indigenous woman who carries strength and beauty.

Lastly the drum teachings show us to always respect the drum because it is a gift from the plant people and the animal people. Just like women should always be respected because they are gift from the Creator and have the ability to be the life givers.

The drum represents the heart beat of mother earth and the first beat we ever hear is our own mother’s heart beat. The cultural teachings show a strong connection to the spirit of the woman. Through my spoken letter I highlight the importance of our cultural teachings (teachings I have been taught throughout my life) and make a plea to all Canadians to realize a genocide is happening in our own backyard.


Lee, M. (2006). Four direction teachings. Retrieved from http://www.fourdirectionsteachings.com/transcripts/cree.html
2018. Red dress Campaign. Public service alliance of Canada. Accessed November 1, 2019. Retrieved from http://psacunion.ca/node/6867