Category: General

  • Daylight is Coming! VIULearn Upgrades to a Modern Responsive Design April 30

    On April 30th, VIULearn (VIU’s learning management system) will be changing its look to a more modern and cleaner interface – called Daylight. Daylight is a brighter and more stream-lined environment with emphasis on faculty and student activity. The way VIULearn functions (where buttons are, how things work) remains untouched as the entire system will work…

  • Serving VIU Better: Why The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning adopted a Request Tracking System

    In the Beginning The Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (the Centre) was a very different place in 2013. During Fall semester, some faculty members at Vancouver Island University (VIU) had begun using VIULearn (D2L) for the first time. VIUBlogs was starting to get more use from faculty members and learners, and VIUTube had…

  • A global perspective on Indigenous teaching and learning: What can we learn from New Zealand

    A global perspective on Indigenous teaching and learning: What can we learn from New Zealand

    As part of our commitment to supporting professional development in incorporating Indigenous knowledge and perspectives into teaching and learning at VIU, the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning, together with the Office of Aboriginal Education and Engagement, recently hosted Ron Bull, senior Indigenous scholar from Otago Polytechnic in New Zealand. Ron spent the day…

  • What’s New in VIULearn? (Summer 2016)

    This summer, there have been changes to the names of some of the tools you use in VIULearn. For instance, “Dropbox” for submitting assignments has been creating some confusion with the internet storage service “Dropbox”. Additionally, there have been a variety of improvements to navigation for you and your learners. These changes rolled out on…

  • What’s New in VIULearn this Month? (March-April 2016)

    Every month, VIULearn is updated by our software provider D2L. Most of the time you won’t even notice the changes, because they are behind-the-scenes improvements. An example of a behind-the-scenes improvement was an improvement to the Import / Export / Copy Components tool that allowed bigger courses to be copied faster. Sometimes, there are improvements…

  • Exciting Ways to Use the New “Not” Release Conditions

    You may have seen my previous blog post where I talked briefly about the new “not” release conditions. If you were wondering what these conditions could be used for, I’m here to give you a few ideas to get you started. What Do You Mean by “Not” Release Conditions? Ever since VIU first adopted VIULearn…

  • OpenEd 2015 Conference

    OpenEd 2015 Conference

    I have just returned from OpenEd 2015 in Vancouver, a conference focused on exploring developments in open educational resources (OER) and open educational practices. I attended this conference when it was last hosted in Vancouver in 2012 and was delighted to see it return to the area. The conference attracts many top researchers in this field…

  • Self-Paced Fully-Online VIULearn Orientations for Learners

    VIULearn is a learning management system. Some teaching faculty members use it to upload files for you (like your course syllabus or their PowerPoints), create Discussions or Quizzes, and have you upload assignments or view grades. Some teaching faculty members even run fully-online courses in VIULearn. This means that some of your course activities or…

  • Teaching Excellence Video Series: Marilyn Funk discusses her community-based project on Newcastle Island

    Teaching Excellence Video Series: Marilyn Funk discusses her community-based project on Newcastle Island

    Marilyn Funk from the Department of Resource Management and Protection discusses her community-based project which students participate in on Newcastle Island.

  • VIU Faculty Fast Start Institute

    Initial “Launch” Workshop Dates: Tuesday August 25 and Wednesday, August 26, 2015 (2 days) Time Each Day:  8:30 AM – 3 PM each day (breakfast and lunch will be included) Description The goal of a faculty member is to thrive and excel, not merely survive. The Faculty Fast Start Institute is a Fall 2015 (one…

  • VIULearn Course Homepage Changes

    Over the last two years the CIEL has collected feedback on the homepage that we use for all of our courses in VIULearn. We have received a lot of great suggestions and have made some changes to the basic page template for this fall. We have tested this design with several departments on campus and…

  • Culture in the Classroom: Final Session Summary

    Culture in the Classroom: Final Session Summary

    Our final meeting for the Culture in the Classroom series took place on November 20th.  Although this was our last meeting, in some ways it felt like we were just getting started.  Clearly, eight hours spread across four sessions was only enough to scratch the surface.  Many participants indicated that they would have liked to…