I would like to thank everyone who has helped and supported me over the past few months. I was warmly welcomed at VIU and had the opportunity to talk to great people.
First of all I would like to thank my interview partners; Claas Schönfeld, Michel Egenolf and Niklas Zink. It was a lot of fun to get into the topic with you and I am very grateful that you took the time!
I would also like to thank my fellow students in this course. The exchange was not only a lot of fun, but also helped me a lot! Thank you all for making me feel so welcome in Canada. Thank you CREW 201!
Big thanks also goes out to the Arts and Humanities Faculty. I talked to some of them personally and experienced a lot of inspiration and support for my studies. So huge thanks to Alanna Williams, Joy Gugeler and Craig Taylor whom I had the pleasure of meeting in my courses and at various events.