Introducing a self-directed online module on how to be a successful learner: Ready for import into VIU courses
In an effort to support both students and faculty transitioning to an online learning environment, we have built an asynchronous, self-directed learning module for students that can be embedded into VIULearn courses. In this module, there are 6 themes for students to explore: Tips and strategies for sync and async learning environments Time management and…
Survey Your Students in VIULearn
The Early Feedback Survey is now available in VIULearn. VIU faculty members are invited to use this tool to capture information—anonymously—on how students are responding to your course. The survey is already populated with a suite of questions tailored toward online learning. You can preview the questions in PDF form here. This type of mid-course…
Embracing the Unknown: Why Online Postsecondary Study Is Worth the Risk
This blogpost was originally published by Educause Review Transforming Higher Education by Kathleen Bortolin on Tuesday, August 4, 2020. (Link to original article). The COVID-19 pandemic has thrown much of higher education into disarray, but amid this storm are opportunities to redesign teaching and learning in dynamic, student-centered, and empathy-rich ways, with a mind to the…
Fall Learning Technology Orientation Webinars for Students
This Fall, to better support the busy lives of students and employees at VIU while maintaining safe social distance, the Centre for Innovation and Excellence in Learning (CIEL) will be offering fully online orientations for VIULearn and other teaching and learning technologies that are supported by CIEL. Students and employees can self-register for these webinar…
Changes to VIULearn Login and Email, July 2020
The way that students and employees log in to VIULearn is changing July 23,2020. In addition, there is an upcoming change to improve the email experience within VIULearn.
Postponed: VIULearn Course Cleanup 2020
To help support instructors, CIEL has decided to not perform the VIULearn Course Cleanup in 2020. The following semesters will be permanently removed from VIULearn in July 2021: Fall 2017, 2018; Year 2017, 2018; Continuous Intake 2017, 2018; Spring 2018, 2019; Intersession 2018, 2019; Summer (May and June) 2018, 2019
Zoom Security Updates, June 2020
Read this post to learn more about updates to Zoom security for VIU including the move to Canadian data centers only, a new Report Users feature, and upcoming requirements for meeting passwords.
Staying successful in online classes: Tips for instructors and students
We’ve had a number of faculty ask us about how to help students be successful in online environments. The good news is that being a successful student in an online class is not that different than being a successful student in a face to face (F2F) class. The bad news is that the world has…
Technology for Remote Teaching: Create a Document Camera at Home
Last week we explored some of the technology options for improving your video and audio on videos and web calls. Today, we want to take a look at options for replicating the use of a document camera or whiteboard over Zoom. Dr. Todd Barsby, Associate Dean of Science and Technology at VIU, has captured his…
Course Outlines and Syllabi
We’ve had lots of conversations with faculty members about what their teaching in the Fall semester will look like, and course outlines have come up regularly. Students need access to the basic information about the courses in which they are enrolled. This is true in the best of times, and is even more important as…
Synchronous vs Asynchronous: What is the best blend?
As we continue to live in the world of Alternative Delivery, we are often asked “how much of my online course should be synchronous and how much should be asynchronous?”. There is no magic ratio that will work for every course and every instructor. The approach that we recommend is to think about what your…