Improving Inclusive Teaching Practice by Reducing Role Conflict and Ambiguity for Learning Support Teachers

Many teachers in learning support roles face the challenge of managing a wide array of tasks that fall outside of the expectations of a typical classroom teaching position while also carrying the expectation that their time is best spent in direct teaching. Conflict arises when spending time on indirect and administrative tasks, which is important and time consuming, is de-valued and the fact that these tasks are key components to providing services for students is overlooked. This leaves teachers in learning support roles with conflicting expectations and assumptions of what is important and how this is to be acted out, often leading to job attrition. This research explores the question: Could a planning tool be used to more clearly and effectively utilize LST time and, by extension, improve the working environment and job satisfaction of the LST? Using the methodology of design-based research, both qualitative and quantitative data was collected through survey, interview and focus group meetings to explore discrepancies in the perceptions of the roles LSTs fulfill related to the needs of the students they work with from the perspectives of elementary classroom teachers, school administrators and LSTs. The data collected indicated that all three groups exhibited incongruencies between what specific activities they saw as valuable and how they felt LSTs should spend their time. Having specific jobs outlined, as in a planning tool, clarified perceptions of how time would be best spent, enabling team members to plan with a unified vision.

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