We are pleased to report that all systems are stable.
Month: August 2019
VIULearn Intermittent Access
We are currently seeing slow speeds and intermittent access to VIULearn. We are working with our vendor, D2L, to investigate and resolve this challenge. We apologize for the inconvenience.
All Systems Stable
We are pleased to report that all systems are stable.
VIUTube Media Unavailable
At this time, you may not be able to view media that is usually available on VIUTube. This is a result of a challenge with the recent update which our service vendor, Kaltura, is still working to fix. Videos which are embedded in VIULearn or on external websites should play as expected, though links may not function.
If you are looking for a specific media file, please send an email to learnsupport@viu.ca with as much detail as possible and we will provide you with a direct link to view your media file or an embed code so you can add that media to your course or website.
We apologize for the inconvenience.