Making this video was almost relieving in a way to me. I felt like I was making a difference educating others on a wider range. In my daily life I do talk to others about the affects of colonization and the MMIWG repot but I felt making a video would reach more people. Being an ally is so much more than just standing with someone, it is being the change you want to see. Making a change in our daily lives in order to better serve those around us. Reconciliation can only happen if we want it to. It takes perseverance to push fro change, most people don’t like change and because of this being the source of change can be challenging personally and in our daily lives. Others ay ask why we want change and that is a perfect situation to educate them on why change is needed. 
When the MMIWG report was released many people thought that it was all the change they needed because now the education was out there so others have to care about what is going on and make the changes. The growing rate of missing and murdered women and girls has not taken a stop they continue to go missing and for this I think enough is enough. It is time to take a stand and be an ally. I do feel that make many videos such as this  one can inspire others to make changes and want to see change in our communities. Our government needs to stand up and realize enough is enough. It is time to reconcile and give Indigenous Peoples what they need, an ally. They need people to care enough to make changes and  end colonial violence toward their people. Some may think it is a lot to ask but being a change can be something as small as making a video or educating your neighbour. Changes do not have to be one person changing the world but instead lots of people changes it.
Blank faces picture. Accessed on November, 3, 2019. Retrieved from
Chan, Scill. (2016). “Be an Ally” picture. Accessed on November, 3, 2019. Retrieved from
Hands stacked on top on each other picture. Accessed on November, 3, 2019. Retrieved from
Perreault, Amanda. (2019).  "Our Women and Girls are Scared” picture. Accessed on November, 3, 2019. Retrieved from
(2015). Woman Holds Up “You Are Not Forgotten” sign picture. Accessed on November, 3, 2019. Retrieved from