How can we utilize technology as an adaptive and supportive strategy to assist elementary teachers in implementing physical activity in the classroom?

Bindy Gill Master’s Thesis/Project Video link:

Throughout my personal life, I have seen the benefits of having physical activity and movement intertwined in my day to day living and teaching. There is more motivation and focus, a better positive mindset and attitude, a willingness to take on challenges, problem solving and prompt wholesome feelings of wellness.

In my journey as an educator, I have seen an increase in sedentary time for children. As a result, children today can face increased physical and emotional health concerns. A potential approach to address these concerns is an accessible content website created to encourage and support teachers to facilitate opportunities for regular physical activity into their curriculum. Another theme of this project thesis was to address the challenging teacher task of improving student attentiveness in sedentary learning environments. The primary literature for time-on-task research substantiates the importance of physical activity to enhance student focus and responsiveness across the curriculum.

To these complementary ends, I designed a website with the aim to raise awareness about the benefits of physical activity in the classroom, as well as mitigate some barriers or challenges faced in implementing daily physical activity. It is hoped that Fit Stops ( will act as a resource guide for teachers to implement physical activity in the classroom by offering easy to access web-based resources that will help overcome these barriers and time-on-task challenges.

10 thoughts on “How can we utilize technology as an adaptive and supportive strategy to assist elementary teachers in implementing physical activity in the classroom?

  1. Hi Bindy, thanks for the many resources offered here. I appreciated hearing you talk about why this is important to you and your experience with physical activity in elementary teaching. I was wondering what strategies you use to provide choice and flexibility for your students when it comes to physical activity?

    1. Hi Rachel. I have been using the resource with my class and it has worked well. I mention in the website the importance of allowing students to participate in some form of the activity. Initially, some of my my students were reluctant, but allowing them to gain a comfort level and letting them enjoy their own take on the movements are important. The intrinsic motivation is important for repeating the activities. It is fun to watch them being active and putting their own spin on it.

  2. Hi Bindy. I really appreciate your topic. I am a big believer in the use of technology when it comes to education. It opens up so many doors for students. I agree with you on the importance of having students moving around throughout the day in school and not having them sit around all day. Your creation of a website is very creative! I like how you provided us with examples of things you can do in the classroom. I really like how you mentioned the use of Pokémon Go. I really like that game! I think that is a great way of getting students excited about moving around. One tool I recommend for this is the website Go Noodle for students in elementary school – see It is a website that has lots of fun dance and physical brain breaks that can be used in the classroom anytime. Great job!

    1. Hi Melissa. Thanks for that suggestion. I will check out go noodle. One of the things that I found challenging in creating the website was the overwhelming number of resources available. I have been using the resource in my own class and the students are enjoying it.

  3. Hi Bindy, it is wonderful to see your ideas from last year come together in this website! There is lots of valuable information and resources offered in a way that provides a pathway for immediate implementation. Well done! How did you come to decide on Weebly as the host of your website?

    1. Hi Wendy. I looked at a couple of platforms only, Google sites and Weebly. I was a little worried because of my lack of technological knowledge, but after watching a couple of Weebly tutorials I managed to figure things out. Overall, Weebly is quite user friendly and I am happy with the end result.

  4. The videos on your webstie are both adorable and motivating! I could absolutely see my class loving these activities. What a great way to keep kids moving in their day to day lives. I wonder, how often do you see teachers using these sorts of quick brain break activities in their classroomÉ What is the optimual (if there is such a thing) amount of movement for kids in a school day?

    1. Hi Emma. I have been using the video breaks in my class and the kids really enjoy them. As to how often to use them? I think each individual teacher and class has different needs, so the teacher can use their discretion. I use them at least once a day, sometimes twice. As for the research in terms of the optimal amount, that is one area I discuss in my Chapter 5 as lacking. I think if there was more data on the amount of classroom movement and benefits, it would provide a greater incentive for teachers to use them during the day. Of course, overall, it is recommended that children get 60 minutes of moderate physical activity daily. Thanks for that great question.

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