
This blog was developed as an assignment for the GEOL 390 (Special Studies in Earth Science) field trip to Iceland in the Spring 2017.   The aim of the blog was outline and interpret the daily geological findings in a way that all could be understood by all.  The overall goal of the course was to introduce VIU students to the amazing geology of Iceland – the rock types, its tectonic history, as well as its glaciers, and volcanic/geothermal areas. Iceland is a geological unique region of the world where a volcanic hot spot (or magmatic plume) is located below a mid-oceanic rift, producing great volumes of lava, and the island of Iceland itself.  Of particular interest, is the interaction of volcanic eruptions and the overlying ice sheets. It was also a place that students could learn about a different culture –the history, language, people, and day-to-day living of Icelanders.