Our First Voices
Halq’eméylem | Lower Mainland/Fraser Valley |
Heiltsuk | Central Coast (Bella Bella) |
Ktunaxa | Kootenay Region |
Nak’azdli Dakelh | Central Interior |
Nisg̱a’a | North Coast (Nass River) |
nłeʔkepmxcin | Thompson/Okanagan |
Nuučaan̓uɫ | Vancouver Island (West Coast) |
Secwepemctsin | Thompson/Okanagan |
SENĆOŦEN | South Coast (Saanich) |
Sḵwx̱wú7mesh sníchim | Lower Mainland (Squamish) |
St̓át̓imcets | Thompson/Okanagan |
Tsilhqot’in | Interior (Chilcotin) |
X̱aada Kil | North Coast (Haida Gwaii) |
Questions to think about while watching Our First Voices:
- What role does language play in culture?
- Given the dominance of the English language around the world, how can other languages be maintained?
- How does language evolve? How are new words created?
- What is the relationship between language and identity?
Canada. Natural Resources. 2010. The Atlas of Canada: Aboriginal Languages by Community, 1996. 6th Edition. http://geogratis.gc.ca/api/en/nrcan-rncan/ess-sst/e4f3870f-8893-11e0-a56a-6cf049291510.html, accessed January 22, 2015.
First Peoples’ Heritage, Language and Culture Council (FPHLCC). 2012. First People’s of BC Language Map. http://maps.fphlcc.ca/, accessed August 13, 2012.
First Peoples’ Cultural Council. 2011. First Voices: Language Legacies Celebrating Indigenous Cultures. http://www.firstvoices.com/, accessed August 13, 2012.
Norris, Mary Jane. 2009. Aboriginal Languages in Canada: Emerging Trends and Perspectives on Second Language Acquisition. Canadian Social Trends No. 83. Catalogue No. 11-008. Ottawa: Statistics Canada. http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-008-x/2007001/pdf/9628-eng.pdf, accessed August 13, 2012.
Statistics Canada. 2022. Table 98-10-0270-01 Knowledge of Indigenous languages by single and multiple knowledge of languages responses, Indigenous identity and residence by Indigenous geography: Canada, provinces and territories. DOI:https://doi.org/10.25318/9810027001-eng, accessed January 1, 2023.
NOTE: This documentary can be viewed on the Knowledge Network (registration is free), https://www.knowledge.ca/program/our-first-voices/our-first-voices
Created 2012-08-13; last updated 2023-01-01