
 Alert Bay Village Island
 Gloria Cranmer Webster Dan Cranmer
 Marius Barbeau Franz Boas
 E.K. DeBeck Duncan Campbell Scott
 William Halliday

Questions to think about while watching Potlatch:

  • What is/are the objectives(s) of this film?
  • What federal law was passed in 1884? What was the rationale for the law?
  • What happened in 1921 that affected the Kwagu’t (Kwakiutl) peoples?
  • What role does the potlatch have?
  • What terms were established for the return of the potlatch regalia? What is the significance of its return?

Boas, Franz.  1909.  The Kwakiutl of Vancouver Island. New York: AMS Press.  [1975]  E99, K9, B4917, 1975

Codere, Helen.  1950.  Fighting with Property: A Study of Kwakiutl Potlatching and Warfare, 1792-1930.  Seattle: University of Washington Press.  E99, K9, C6

Drucker, Philip and Robert F. Heizer.  1967.  To Make My Name Good: A Reexamination of the Southern Kwakiutl Potlatch.  Berkeley: University of California Press.  E99, K9, D7

Sewid-Smith, Daisy (My-yah-nelth).  1979.  Prosecution or Persecution.  Cape Mudge, BC: Nu-Yum-Baleess Society.  E 92 S495

Wheeler, Dennis, dir.  1975.  Potlatch: A Strict Law Bids Us Dance.  54 min.  Moving Images Distribution.  Vancouver, BC.  E 99 K9 P612 1975

Olin, Chuck, dir.  1983.  Box of Treasures.   28 min.  Moving Images Distribution.  Vancouver, BC.  E 99 K9 B68 2004

Created 2001-07-31; last updated 2019-01-02