January 16, 2012
NOTE: Click thumbnail for larger image.
 Myla offers home-made mini-quiches.
 Nelson has prepared “Virgin Caesars” (Clamato, Worchestershire, and Tabasco; no vodka!). Khalid is in the background.
 A variety of foods–from local to international cuisine! |
 Jun and Mary sample a bit of this and a bit of that. Karli is obscured by Mary. The men (l-r) are Ahmed, Jaspreet, Thari and Alex.
 At the table are (l-r) Qian, Deanne, Nanao, Thari, and Saud. Jaspreet is just behind Deanne and Nanao. |
April 4, 2012
 Some of the class getting food; l-r: Nelson, Emma, Qian, Salman, Jun, MengYin, and Karli.
 Time to eat! Victoria is seated, while Jun, MengYin, and Karli are on the far side of the food table, with Qian and Deanne are in front of it. Anaid and Khalid are on the far left.
 Tasting good! L-r: Qian, MengYin, Jun, Hassan and Mohammed. |
 Smile! L-r: Qian, MengYin, and Jun
 Nanao and Fares are looking very happy!
 Hassan and Mohammed must be full; they look satisfied. |
 Mohammed and Matt engaged in conversation.
 Three pals: Jaspreet is looking rather serious, while Alex clearly has his eye on the camera. Thari is cool.
 The “language learning” group with their surveys; l-r: MengYin, Jen, Jaspreet, Alex, Thari, and Karli. |
Created 2012-07-29; last updated 2016-01-03