Please include your name, email, and essay title along with the file. All submissions should be as Microsoft Word Documents. Essay submissions should be between the recommended 1000 to 2500 words, and submissions outside of this will be subject to editing. Only one essay submission per person will be considered.

Feel free to add any comments about the essay and why you’re submitting to The Compass Rose.

All submissions will be collected by our Acquisitions Editor, who is the only person that will see your name and email prior to the blind review of our Editorial Board.

Submissions are being accepted now for the 2023 issue. Please submit by March 3, 2023. [Our deadline has been extended to March 10, 2023!]

Please note: because of the volume of submission we receive, only those authors whose works in the opinion of the Editorial Board are being considered for publication will receive feedback.

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Title (required)


    Your Message

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