** To meet ONLINE with Dr. Arkos go to the VIULearn course homepage **
01. Introduction | 02. Navigating the Sky | 03. Light |
04. Atoms & Spectra | 05. Telescopes | 06. Sun |
07. Stars | 08. Low/Int mass stars | 09. High mass stars |
10. Milky Way | 11. Galaxies |
01. Introduction | 02. Skycharts/Nav the Sky | 03a. Light |
03b. EM spectrum | 04. Atoms & Spectra | 05a. Telescopes: terms |
05b. Telescopes: visible light | 05c. Telescopes: AO, LP, etc. | 06a. Sun: properties |
06b. Sun: solar cycle, etc. | 07a. Stars: terms, groups | 07b. HR diagrams |
07c. Stellar Distances | 07d. Inverse Square Law | 08a. Star formation |
08b. Death of smaller stars | 09a. High Mass stars | 09b. Neutron stars |
09c. Black holes | 10a. Rotation curves | 10b. Spiral structure |
10c. MW galactic core | 11a. Galaxy identification |
PLEASE NOTE: Lab reports MUST be completed on the provided lab sheets and submitted as a single PDF file on VIULearn. Late lab reports will NOT be accepted. Lab reports may be completed jointly with a lab partner; in this case, upload ONE PDF file (only) to VIULearn and clearly indicate BOTH partners’ names on the lab. For jointly submitted labs each partner receives the same grade.
Labs (PDF) | |||
00. A112_lab0 | ** FOR PRACTICE – download, complete & upload to VIULearn ** | ||
01. A112_lab1 | skycharts | Tutorials, Skycharts (video) | |
02. A112_lab2 | reference spectra, eyepiece views | HV box & spectra (video) | |
03. A112_lab3 | graph paper, ZAMS graph | Instructions (video) | |
04. A112_lab4 | graph paper | Globulars, Instructions (video) | |
05. A112_lab5 | galaxy images | galaxy identification (video) |